Eco Volunteer Program
Our project, called Jhanavi Kunja in Mayapur, it's not an organic farm but rather, it's a spiritual ashram that has the joy and growth of all involved in mind. It is important for you to know that we are quite flexible, as the number of volunteers and their abilities and interests vary.
However we follow, and ask you to follow, some basic principles, such as: not consuming any kind of meat, eggs or drugs, and abstaining from sexual relations. Please be flexible as well, and get ready for new discoveries!

We are not one point focused on hatha yoga. It is a part of the schedule for those who wants to do it.
Our goals and activities are listed below. You can choose what is appealing to you according to availability, which may vary from time to time:
-Spend some exemplar peaceful time in our gardens and environs.
-Go on fieldtrips.
- Help in our vegetarian kitchen.
-Make web sites to awaken people. This is something you can also do from home.
-Help to clean with our Friends of Mayapur team many holy places. Visit:
-Try to pick up some Spanish and-or Bengali class.
-Learn how to do Bhajan, and Kirtan as well as Hare Krishna Mantra Japa meditation.
-Help attending to our many visitors in their different needs.
- Participate in Ecological Video Conferences and Original Kingdom projects. More information visit:
-Learn about the yogic sciences and start the day with some yoga exercises or morning walks.
-Active participation -> Food distribution to poor people.
-Help poor children in their school in different areas such as teaching and organizing.
-Read great books from our library. Visit Also:
Make Conscious art in Mayapur. Visit:
-Attend lectures and introductions into the different fields of Vedic Literature, such as Bhagavad Gita.

Our ashram was started by our spiritual guide, Swami Paramadvaiti, who has founded many eco community ashrams, especially in South America.
Actually we ask you to pay a minimum cost of $10 USD per day to bear the cost of the expenses of the volunteer and keeps the ashram functioning. One works around 4 hours. To this minimum donation you will receive 3 meals at day and one wonderful bamboo room near to the Ganges.
We are happy to welcome all helping hands, and we hope to help you to learn something wonderful as well.
Love life - live love
Thank you
Looking forward your reply
Best wishes
Subal Das
Mayapur W. Bengal – India
Contact: +917407542015
What you need to bring:
* A sleeping bag, blankets, a lantern, a camping math (if possible), hat, mosquitos repellent, sun block.
Comfortable clothes and also warm clothes in order to keep you sheltered and wrap up well at night.
Personal hygiene articles to wash yourself and toilet paper, too.
VRINDA Eco Yoga village around the World:
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